"HOW PARANOID ARE YOU?" (Part 3: The Power Abuse)
The power abuse:
“People should be in order.”
Oh, yeah – have you been their best example(s)?
It’s your stupid, double standard
that makes it really, really hard
for them to believe in that fairy tale
about ‘how you only mean well’.”
“Hello, leaders with more power.
Do you really expect us to become
– and remain – your blind followers?
Why are you so mad
when you don’t want to hear what we say?
That’s just sad.
You’re a lot worse than screaming toddlers with tantrums
so willing to inflict harm
just to restore the absolute silence.”
we’re still taken by surprise.
We have no idea
just how bloody paranoid
you can actually be.
If we feel the same,
does that mean we’re even?
So, how paranoid are you?
(Jakarta, 19/9/2017 – 8:30 am)