Ruby - Astari Boedikoentjara
No, she’s not just asleep.
She’s not even fainted.
Can’t you tell that she’s already dead?
It takes more than countless tries to shake her awake..
You can’t even make her snap out of it.
Is it difficult for you
to criticise the person
despite their outer appearance
or even origin?
Yeah, speaking from experiences
If you only knew
what I've been too scared to tell you,
what would you do?
If I were much braver for what's painfully true,
would you say our budding friendship is through?
Let’s just face it:
There’s no such thing as unconditional love.
Either Billy Joel or Bruno Mars –
or perhaps some who do the cover versions,
somebody must be lying when they sing:
“Just the way you are.”
I miss talking to you
It’s plain simple and true
I understand, we’re both busy
Perhaps this is not the time, I see
No, I’m not going to fret
They think her life is always easy
far away from poverty
Spend away and be free
Oh, they have no idea
It’s a hard worker’s earned paradise
No signs of warning.
Everything was fine.
A face smiling,
sincere and kind.
A picture-perfect romance,
I believe there’s a reason
your shattered heart’s been revealed
even when you refuse to mention
or worry you may never heal
I know I’m just a stranger
Your level of desperation is
beyond nothing but ridiculous.
It’s not enough with false rumours.
You still aim to bury me in pieces.
I thought high school was over some decades ago,
If time were relative,
then I’d like a pause
for a sense of relief
without any cause.
Let me roam around,
Be grateful that I’ve kept quiet
as you blab to every pair of ear
who probably refuse to hear
your sob stories
your endless miseries
I am way past that envy
or that so-called jealousy.
Just a silent observer
to the oblivious or ignorant
to the fact that we’re all different
and the universe always has a way