Opposite way
Girls like blue, boys like pink,
I love u, but ur so cringe.
Girls are handsome, boys are beautiful,
Nothing makes sense , but it’s so wonderful.
Up is down, left is right,
We’re so different, but it feels so right.
Day is night, dark is light,
We don’t match, but we don’t fight.
Left feels right, fast moves slow,
Somehow we just let it flow.
Cold is warm, wrong is true,
I hate red, but it looks good on u.
Loud is quiet, big feels small,
We don’t fit, but we have it all.
Sky is ground,High is low,
Stop means go, but we still know.
Rain feels dry, fire’s cool,
Break the rules, make new rules.
Weak is strong, false is true,
In this mix-up, I find u.
Hearts combine, opposites play,
Together we find our own way.
in our differences, love will stay,
Together we find our own way
Side-by-side, we won’t let go,
Through the highs and through the lows.
Hand in hand, we walk as one,
Our stories only just begun.