Hidden Dreams
I’ve got hidden dreams
I stow deep inside dark lockers,
Crushed words I’ve felt too much of,
Crumpled papers filling my bedroom.
Unwrinkling parts of my brain,
Searching for traces of creativity,
Scribbling love poems for you—
So it can all make sense to me,
Lost within lines and similes.
My love seems distant because it is,
My heart seems different because it is.
No love lives inside my sheets.
I hate when I’m alone,
So I rush to keep my bed warm before night’s end.
Your words get quieter
when someone else is near.
We live fast and crash hard,
Violently thrashing to the floor,
Shattering across our bedroom like glass.
Your wicked taste stuck to my tongue—
We live inside flashes of lightning strikes,
Where our past selves are nearly ash.
Who did we become?
I don’t think we’ve ever stopped to ask.